Massacre and Violent Rhetoric:
I wrote some of these words 12 years ago after the Sandy Hook massacre in Newtown, CT. Unfortunately not much has changed, other than a continued increase in violent rhetoric from many sides. We are especially seeing a lot more violent rhetoric within right-leaning political circles. The public growth and empowerment of Nazi, Neo-Nazi, white supremacist, racist, misogynist, and anti-immigrant sentiment, including related rhetoric and actions continues to increase. We can talk all we want about minor contributing factors, but it does no good if we do not stem the tide of incivility in our media, political, and social discourse. Too many pundits in religious circles have been decrying various issues as responsible for the massacre at Sandy Hook. Some say the issue is the separation of church and state and the withdrawal of state-sponsored religious speech and rituals. Others claim the influence of video game and television violence, or the prevalence of and easy access to deadly...