Reconsidering Noah's Flood
Back in my conservative Christian high school days, I was confronted with all too many attempts to pit Genesis’ flood narrative against various aspects of science. There were critiques of carbon-dating, uranium-dating, and theories pertaining to evolution in all its aspects. I remember being shown a film attempting to prove that all the animals of earth could have found space in the ark, with calls for speciation to come about after the flood so as to allow for appropriate space. It struck me as investing way too much time and energy into proving that the Bible had to be taken literally, word for word, despite obvious issues as the text’s antiquity reaching back far beyond the introduction of the scientific method and concerns with precision. The existence of other flood narratives around the world was deemed proof that there was a monumental flood that remained entrenched in human conscience on a global scale. Even so, there was no attempt to actually read some of these othe...