Blaming the Devil
The devil made me do it. That is of the devil. Don’t fall into the devil’s snares! We do an awful lot of blaming the devil in ways that are completely unjustified. Generally, blaming the devil has just been an easy way to rationalize a gut reaction against what we don't understand, makes us uncomfortable, or possibly fear. In the 1600s, women who could swim were witches and thus of the devil. Through the 1800s, people who were left-handed were sinister (siniestra = left) and thus of the devil. Galileo was seen as doing the devil's magic when bending light with glass lenses, making objects appear unnaturally clear. Rhythmic music was of the devil at one point. (Gregorian chants, anyone?) Only music written in 3/4 time was holy, as it spoke of the Trinity. Music in 3/4 time was of the devil, because people danced the waltz, in which partners touched hands. Rock music was of the devil; women wearing pants was of the devil; make-up was of the devil; reading and writ...