Lenten Devotions - Day 02

“Finally, my friends, keep your minds on whatever is true, pure, right, holy, friendly, and proper. Don’t ever stop thinking about what is truly worthwhile and worthy of praise.” Philippians 4:8

Writing from prison, Paul addresses issues of joy, peace, and contentment, as he calls on believers to focus their attention on the goals of the Christian experience. Our minds are to be focused on the very characteristics of Jesus Christ, the goal of our call. If we are to become Christ Jesus to the world, we are to live as Jesus himself lived. We are to become refashioned into the character of Christ Jesus.

From Paul's perspective, this begins by refocusing our minds and attention on the character of the One we have been called to love, emulate, and express to the world around us. As we focus our attention on Christ, we must likewise take our attention and focus off the world. Those things which are not Christ-like must be removed from the focus of our attention in order that Christ Jesus might take center stage. Those things which are right, true, pure, holy, and proper are the things which must fill our minds.

There are many demands for our attention today. Not many of them measure up to this list of Paul's. There were many competing demands for his attention in his own day. He was imprisoned, chained to a Roman guard 24 hours a day. He heard reports of conflict in the Philippian church. Even so, he chose to focus his attention on the things of Christ Jesus instead of the suffering he faced.

The battle for our attention is the battle for our direction, focus, and character. The GIGO principle—Garbage In, Garbage Out—applies to our spiritual lives as well as to technology. If we are to become a people who love God and live according to the purposes of Christ Jesus, we must give Jesus and the things of God the focus of our attention.

How much time do I give God to influence my life to become more like Christ Jesus?

As well as finding an active way to express your love for God, choose one way to focus your attention on the things of God and the character of Christ Jesus.

“Lord, help me to focus my attention on You, giving you more opportunity to speak to and direct me than I give to other influences.”

—©Copyright 2009 Christopher B. Harbin http://www.sermonsearch.com/contributors/104427/


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