False Accusations

The religious community around Jesus had no kind words about sectors of society. They were certain Torah provided full justification for blanket condemnation of Samaritans, tax collectors, and a women caught in adultery and thrown at Jesus’ feet. Jesus embraced them with no condemnation.

They were so sure Jesus was a threat. They were seeking any means of silencing him. They were not above false accusations or paying people to lie about Jesus’ supposed breaches of law. The accusations did not hold up to scrutiny.

I’ve been to numerous drag shows at East Frank. I’ve been to drag story hour. I’ve developed relationships with many among the clientele at East Frank, with drag performers, with queer people around us, and others who support this community. I have also heard all sorts of accusations tossed out against them. None of the accusations stands up to scrutiny.

I’ve seen videos merging clips from adult drag shows with scenes from East Frank. I’ve heard and seen protesters with their signs. I’ve heard slander against the queer community, drag, and East Frank during community comments at the Monroe City Council meetings, and Union County Board of Education meetings.

Likewise, I’ve noticed the people so enraged about drag have never been inside to actually know what goes on during a show. I’ve heard accusations of babies being taken into East Frank for a show, but I’ve also seen the same families with young children order food, eat, and leave before the show started. I’ve heard about grooming and pedophilia. That is not at all what I have witnessed.

I have seen people being celebrated much as Jesus celebrated those the religious people around him slandered. I’ve heard drag performers preach about inclusion and ask that no one engage with the protesters outside the show. I’ve witnessed people with backgrounds of trauma from being bullied at school, at church, and in the community at large find welcome, respite, and the joy of release from pressures to force then into a stereo-type that does not fit.

Resorting to lies, hype, and spliced video to get points across, is in no way following Jesus. It is following Jesus’ detractors. To these, Jesus would say, “Depart from me, I never knew you.” People being slandered as grooming children for pedophiles are not the problem. The problem comes from those using fear as a weapon to control others.

“You did not so learn Christ.” (Ephesians 4:20)

©Copyright 2023, Christopher B. Harbin 



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