Good Policing and Drag Queens

Comments to the Monroe, NC city council, 08 October 20242.

We’ve heard and read the mayor lauding the good work and efforts of the Monroe Police Department. I would add my own voice to the good work they do.
We have also heard the mayor and his supporters denigrate the very same police department. Every time a baseless accusation of pedophilia and the sexual grooming of children comes up, it accuses the Monroe Police Departments, its officers, and the Union County Sheriff’s officers, of not doing their jobs.

If there truly is a problem with Union County Pride and Drag Queens in settings like East Frank Superette and Kitchen practicing pedophilia and grooming children, why are officers doing nothing to intervene? Have any investigations been launched by local law enforcement regarding these reported atrocities going on at Union County Pride events, drag shows at East Frank, or other venues in and around Monroe?

What kind of reports did police officers attending Union County Pride submit after the 2022 Festival at Belk Townawanda? What about the festival in 2023, at which the mayor was also present and filming people entering the women’s restroom? Was there no legal basis to prohibit Union County Pride from holding events in the area?

With all the rage, angst, and accusations leveled at the LGBTQ+ community over actions that would be illegal, are there related police reports and law enforcement investigations? To the best of my knowledge, there are none. Zero. I don’t think that is incompetence.

Either all the blather is baseless, or law enforcement is not doing its job. You can’t have it both ways. Having attended these and related events, I choose to stand on the side of law enforcement to say there simply is no evidence to back up the accusations.

“Thou shalt not bear false witness against your neighbor.” – Exodus 20:16

“Hence, having set aside falsehood, let each speak the truth with his neighbor, for we are members one of another.” – Ephesians 4:25

“I don’t write to you because you don’t know the truth, but because you know it, and because no lie comes from the truth.” – 1st John 2:21

©Copyright 2024, Christopher B. Harbin


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