Recognizing Anti-Christ
Popular Christianity works under a false notion of what the Bible speaks of in terms of “The Antichrist.” First of all, John’s epistles are much easier to read, translate, and understand than Revelation. An essential rule for Biblical interpretation is that what is clear takes precedence over what is not clear. Secondly, what is repeated received more weight than a one-off statement. John’s epistles should be given more credit than the uncertainties surrounding a few verses in Revelation. John speaks clearly of multiple anti-Christs that had already arisen in his day. That refers to the turn of the First Century. He starts that comment with, “You have heard that anti-Christ is coming.” He is fully aware of an already popular concept of a coming anti-Christ. He then disparages that notion by saying that indeed, “many anti-Christs have already come.” The term anti-Christ means just what the terms signify. It is any who are in opposition to Christ. As such, John points to ...