Is Being LGBTQ+ Some Unpardonable Sin?
I’m constantly running across people who run up against the interpretation they have been given of a few Bible verses that supposedly condemn homosexuality. The concern is that we would have to twist Scripture to interpret in any other way than this received condemnation. This is not the first time and the first issue that church and society struggled with changing a received traditional stance on one thing or another. We had virtually the same argument over slavery, over racism, over baptism, over which version of the Bible to use, over music styles and their place in worship, and appropriate dress for participation in church services. I would present the following questions for reflection for those having difficulty accepting that maybe traditional interpretations and attitudes about people in the LGBTQ+ community. I’d never expect that everyone agree with me on everything. If we can’t at least entertain questions, however, we would have to be very sure about our positions ...