Virgin Gospel Distractions
For some reason, we like distractions, red herrings, and avoiding the deeper issues of life and the gospel of Jesus. It is just so much easier for us to focus on things that don't matter and thus avoid those that call for us to live very differently than we do. Throughout the history of Christianity and Judaism, we have seen plenty of theological red herrings which did little more than prop up power structures and distance people from finding God's will for their lives. We have seen Greek pagan theology provide the basis for so many constructions of hell and the afterlife through the influence of poets like Dante. We have seen the Church promote Crusades for wealth and power under the guise of rescuing the Holy Land from infidels. We have seen the Spanish Inquisition force people to confess accepted beliefs at the point of a sword. We have seen claims of the Bible propping up slavery in order to keep it from interfering with the profit motives of slave holders. Perhaps the ...