Interrogating the Church, 03 – Fallibility and Faith:
Is there room in my faith for questions? Is there room for growth? Is there room for new conclusions? Is there room for deeper understandings that diverge from what I have believed in the past or hold to still? Should there be? At the heart of fundamentalism lies a basic concern with change. Is faith static, unchanging, and immutable, or is faith a growing appreciation of what may indeed be static, unchanging, and immutable. Must my set of answers or beliefs be defined together as one coherent whole, or is there value to faith when it is yet under development and I am not certain where it is eventually taking me? What is the relationship between my fallibility, my faith, and God who by definition is beyond my comprehension? Many have attempted to answer these questions by making the Bible out to be infallible or inerrant. They have claimed that in order for the Bible to be God’s Word, it cannot contain any kind of error, due to God’s immutability and inability to lie....