Telling Tales
A long, long time ago, in a land far away, there was a teacher who told stories. He told many kinds of stories, often to answer issues or questions that arose before him. Some of those stories became really well known. Others were lost to the ravages of time, the cost of writing material, and times of trial and persecution that made keeping all the stories alive difficult. Many of them stories are still remembered, but often not well understood. One such tale concerned a man assaulted, robbed, and left to die on the side of a dangerous road out of town. A stranger passed by and assumed responsibility to tend the man’s wounds, clothe him, wrestle him into his own saddle, and take him to an inn along his way. There the stranger paid for the wounded man’s lodging and care, before resuming his journey. Before departing, however, he promised the innkeeper to return and take care of any other expenses incurred in caring for the man. The stranger went on his way, planning that secon...